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Points of Relief Blog

Collaborating closely with our fellow manufacturers, industry associations, and clinical educators, the Points of Relief Blog delivers clinical insights, emerging trends, and best practices with the ultimate goal of helping you and your patients move “pain-free” and perform better.

3 Essential Tools for Managing Cerviogenic Headaches

3 Essential Tools for Managing Cerviogenic Headaches

Almost every manual therapist agrees that spinal manipulation is essential for managing Cervicogenic Headaches (CGH). However, the successful long-term resolution of CGH patients often requires a multifaceted approach that includes more than isolated SMT. So here are three ancillary tools to help you assess and manage this problem more... VIEW FULL ARTICLE

Successful Multimodal Approach to Addressing Headaches & Migraines Within My Patient Population

Successful Multimodal Approach to Addressing Headaches & Migraines Within My Patient Population

The theory of topicals for muscle aches and pains is sound. I have the office experience to say that Stopain® Clinical and Stopain® Clinical Migraine & Headache with the beneficial added ingredients is effective for headaches and migraines. In a recent Migraine & Headache Summit, I demonstrated the specific... VIEW FULL ARTICLE

Unlocking the Headache Case

Unlocking the Headache Case

A common condition that we treat and help our patients manage are headaches. How do we as chiropractors treat headaches?  In a room full of chiropractic physicians or students, the obvious first answer would be the chiropractic adjustment.  We all know the power an adjustment can have and there... VIEW FULL ARTICLE

Checks and Balances

Checks and Balances

There are occasions when honest mistakes and oversights are made that can lead to financial losses for the office. Money that is coming in from patients or insurance payments throughout the day may get misplaced during busy patient hours. You may also have a small amount of petty cash available... VIEW FULL ARTICLE